Martina Mikulka


The meaning of mirrors in Performance and early Video Art

In her famous essay “Video: The Asthetics of Narcissism” Rosalind Krauss uses the term narcissism to describe Vito Acconci’s Video “Centers”. She further claims that “the medium of video is narcissism”, and that all early examples of video are “psychological states”.   (continue)

Lee Miller: A “Selfie” from the War

Lee Miller was a photographer, who is best known for her work covering the end of World War II in Europe. But before she took on photography herself, she was as a famous model in the late 20s in New York.   (continue)

Donald Judd, Stage Set, 1991

Stage Set is an object or installation by Donald Judd located at Stadtpark, Vienna. Originally it was designed and built in 1991 for his exhibition Donald Judd: Architecture at the Museum für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna.   (continue)

Kann Kunst Revolution?

Auf Grund des 100-jährigen Jubiläums des Geburtstages von Joseph Beuys im Vorjahr wurde seinem künstlerischen Werk mit mehreren Ausstellungen, unter anderem in Wien, vermehrte Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Die Literatur zu seinem künstlerischen Werk als auch seinen darin vertretenen politischen Absichten, ist umfassend.   (continue)